About the San Diego Square Dance AssociationThe San Diego Square Dance Association is an affiliate member of the United Square Dancers of America, Inc. and the California Square Dance Council, Inc. It consists of 13 clubs of non-profit status within Central San Diego County. We are sponsored by the San Diego City Park & Recreation Department. Dancers are of all ages and most of our members are working people, except for a few retirees. There are also two other square dance associations in the county of San Diego-Back Country Square Dance Association (East County) and the Palomar Square Dance Association (North County). Each association has many clubs belonging to it, so you can see that square dancing is a popular activity here in Southern California. Today's square dancing is much different from what you probably remember from Elementary or High School. Most of the music is of recent recordings of the most popular Country and Pop Hits. There is no competition involved with square dancing. We are just there to have fun. For a newcomer, it might be wise to call the contact number listed for a club in your area, making sure the club is dancing on their advertised night and location, and come to watch what fun everyone is really having. Most clubs offer classes that start either in September or January. If you try dancing with one club and feel that it is not quite right for you, try another. The way clubs are organized differs greatly. Remember, there are no strangers in square dancing, only friends you haven't met yet. We hope you will enjoy square dancing for the rest of your life!
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